What does Authentic Leadership look like?

Whether you are a Manager of a department, a Project Manager over stakeholders or a Busines Owner with employees, bringing a strong sense of values, focus on individual strengths and a high level of integrity to your team will create an exponential level of influence with your stakeholders. The influence needed to motivate team members to be present, feel valued and contribute at a superior level to your objectives.

About MyTribe

With nearly 30 years of business experience within multiple functions and various roles, the value that I’ve created within my teams has ultimately been a consequence of the relationships that I have developed. Early in my career, I identified the ability to change the results that I generated through the way that I treated people. The more I treated people as their unique selves, the more I felt like my authentic self. Consequently, the more they felt like their authentic selves, the better results I saw out of my team.

Our Services

First, we will assess your values & strengths and determine how to implement them into your leadership. Together, we will design and deliver a program that helps you and your managers develop the skills and knowledge they need to be effective, authentic leaders. The skills gained include effective communication, team building, conflict resolution, and strategic planning.

I will work one-on-one with your critical managers to help them identify their strengths
and weaknesses as leaders and develop strategies to improve their performance.

Learn how to address “bad” behavior in a compassionate and caring way to influence stakeholders to become more team oriented. I can facilitate team building sessions that help team members work together more
effectively and achieve common goals.

Identify your challenges and determine a methodology to introduce behaviors more natural to your personality to get the results you are after. I can help your organization or team develop a strong and positive culture that supports
their goals and values.

I can help organizations navigate major changes, such as mergers or
restructuring, by providing guidance and support to leaders and employees.

I can help your organization create and implement DEI initiatives that promote a
more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace culture.

Why Work With Us

Great team dynamic

People Will WANT To Work With You

Eliminate Drama

Results Will Follow Cohesively

Client Testimonials

“As a leader Jen takes the time to engage, listen, and seeks to understand. It is important to her that people’s voices are heard. She is passionate about change management and creating tools for the people and organization to be successful.”
Carolyn Wills, Project Manager
"I cannot speak more highly about someone so willing to do everything in her power to make you a better life. Jennifer has never given up on my goals and pushes me when I feel like quitting. She helps me see the light at the end of the tunnel."
Alexis Billings, Elementary School Teacher & Kids Yoga Instructor
“Jennifer is an inspiring leader who has a real passion for helping others grow and succeed. She shares her knowledge and experience with authenticity and vulnerability. I have been lucky to work with Jennifer for many years and she has become a great mentor and role model for me over time.”
Anouck White, National Distribution Corporate Manager

Schedule a consultation today and put your authentic self to work.

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